Sunday, April 26, 2009

birds and bees

Yesterday while I was helping the boys clean their room Benjamin said, "Mom, where do babies come from?" I had sort of been expecting a question like this and thought these conversations would be a natural result of my pregnancy. So I gave a little explanation that would suit a four year old and felt pleased both that the boys were starting to be curious about these things and that I felt ready to discuss it with them. Then I turned to look at Benjamin and saw that he was holding a tiny yellow ball in his hand. Then he clarified, "No . . . . BBs."


Ms. Bananie said...

Ha! That's hilarious! At least you were ready & prepared. Now they're well-informed whether or not they wanted to be.

Camille said...

That is hilarious!!!

Kristen said...

This had me laughing for a minute straight. So funny. You have the best sense of humor, if not hearing :)

Mooy oh Mooy! said...

that is THE BEST story!!!!!! so funny!