Thursday, August 16, 2012


(A week and a half before the Birth Day)
He came right on time.  My water broke in the middle of the night early on August 5th, so I knew we would have a baby that day. We got to the hospital around 10 am, they started the pitocin (I wasn't really having contractions) and a few hours later I asked for the epidural. It took about an hour for the anesthesiologist to get to my room, and I was pretty uncomfortable. He rushed through all the explanations, and I was just laying back down after he finished the epidural when I said, "There's a lot of pressure down there. He's coming out right now." And he did. I didn't even push.
Calvin Jacob Haslam was born at 3:23 pm on Sunday, August 5th weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and measuring 20 inches long. He has long arms, the famous Haslam cowlick, and he might be the only one of our boys to have an outie belly button.

Here are some pictures from his first week. I really need to get out my real camera and not take so many pics on my phone.

I always try to get a few shots of skinny newborn legs because they don't last long.

 We watched a lot of the Olympics. Calvin is a fan.

Wesley's head is gigantic.
 Baby burrito.
 He smiles a lot in his sleep . . .

 . . . even when we do this to him:

Help me Obi-wan, you're my only hope.


Mina said...

Your family <33 Yet another cute kid.

Mooy oh Mooy! said...

ADORABLE!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim said...

One more to go and then you will have a full hockey team!

emily said...

pure cuteness. i expected nothing less.

i hope you are doing well!

Camille said...

What a cutie he is!!! He looks like your Charlie to me!! Hope you are doing well!!

megan said...

Jim- you mean we need a goalie, too?
Camille- I agree. I think he looks the most like Charlie.
Emily- I am doing great.

Micha said...

Oh my heavens he is so adorable!! Congratulations!!!