Saturday, June 7, 2008

End of school year

Here are some odds and ends from the end of the school year:

These are actually from April when Alex's class went on a field trip to a strawberry farm. The kids were so excited just to be able to ride on a school bus, and it was kind of cute to see them all bent over in the fields, picking their strawberries. It was fun, but I was worn out by the time we got home. (Now that I think about it, it was the same week as Ryan's surgery.) These four kids were the ones I got to chaperone.

This one is Alex's "community helper" project. Each kid got a small cereal box and had to decorate it like some kind of building that benefits the community. He chose a hospital. Ryan helped him make a helicopter and an ambulance.

Benjamin has been attending a Montessori preschool that a friend of ours does from her home. He's learned a lot of things like how to crack an egg, practicing using tongs, sewing a bead onto a piece of fabric, etc. They've also learned about a lot of different countries and cultures. I don't know how much he'll remember, but it was interesting to me.

Graduation day:
Throwing their caps into the air. (Benjamin's is the one way out front).

I just thought this picture was funny because he looks like such a gentleman. They were singing a song where one person goes and hides, and another person has to go find them and escort them back.

Ben and Ms. Judy.

Last night was the school talent show, and Alex recited a poem to showcase his talent of having a good memory. I didn't really want to push him to be in it, but he was interested and I thought we should take advantage of his enthusiasm while it lasts. I was so thrilled on the day of try outs. Alex isn't the most social kid so I didn't know how he'd react to standing in front of a group of people. He did great! I was almost more excited that he tried out than I was for the actual show. But he did a great job last night, too. I just wish I had some video of it. His poem was "Poemsicle" by Shel Silverstein.

Here he is taking his bow during the finale.

And, last but not least, I actually have pictures from Fathers and Sons. I'm very impressed that Ryan took any. He said it was only because no one else brought a camera, so he was the designated picture taker.

Here are the boys chowing down with their friend Eli.

Benjamin being a fire monster.

Alex and the pinata. I hear our kids were the quickest to grab all the candy that spilled out. Benjamin working on his golf swing.

1 comment:

emily said...

oh, really fun pictures! i love seeing your family and what you guys are up to - thanks for doing the blog.

so, do you like the montessori pre-school? i just got a book: "how to raise an amazing child the montessori way." i'm interested in it and think it sounds like a good way to do things.