Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to the driveway . . .

The day before we left for Idaho I was packing and the kids were playing outside so I left the front door open so I could keep an eye on them. I heard Charlie wandering in that direction, and then I heard a little whimper, but not enough of a cry to really be concerned. When I came toward the front door, this is what I saw:

At first I was kind of scared, because there was no movement, and no crying or anything. I thought he'd fallen over and hit his head and passed out or something. But then I took another step and saw this:

Charlie was just lying there, mellow as can be. (Like his outfit? I must have just changed a diaper and hadn't snapped his pants back together yet.) He must have fallen over, but wasn't too concerned about trying to get back up again. He was happy to just wait and play with a piece of bark until someone found him. He even stayed there long enough for me to get the camera and take a couple of pictures.


Camille said...

That is too funny!!! Don't you love how we Mom's have to take pictures of everything!! It's nice to know that I;m not the only one!! LOL!!! Cute!!

Ben Maxwell said...

i love the first picture. and i also love the fact that you left them there and got the camera. brilliant.

Ben Maxwell said...

ben - aka emily m. sorry, i guess my husband is signed on or something.

rebecca said...

I swear I already commented on this post?

That first picture is so funny! I LOVE his little legs up in the air. Perfect timing and great photo journaling, Megan!